AIM Configuration Settings

Several configuration settings can be changed in the Settings dialog box in AIM Destination Manager:

  • AIM File Size – This is the size of the transfer file containing data to be transferred. The default size is 4 MB.

  • Name and location of the Source Buffer Directory

  • Source Data Refresh Rate – This refresh rate is performed automatically at specific intervals and the rate specifies how often source data is refreshed in the right pane of AIM Source Manager window.

  • Destination Link Test Rate – This link test rate is performed automatically at specific intervals and the rate specifies how often to check the status of the data path between source and destination systems.

It is possible to change the source buffer location during AIM transfer. Any files that were pending in the original source buffer will continue to transfer to the destination.  When the original buffer empties, the transfer will start from the new buffer.

Important: If you change the buffer settings more than once, you must wait until all data has been transferred out of the original buffer and into the destination buffer, otherwise the data in the original buffer will be lost.

Follow the steps to open the Settings dialog box:

  1. Select the AIM Destination Manager snap-in and select Settings… in the shortcut menu.

  2. Make the appropriate changes in the dialog box and click OK to finalize them.

SANmelody aimsrcmgr settings db AIM Configuration Settings

AIM Configuration Settings