Viewing Transfer Performance and Logged Data Size

To view the current data transfer rate and logged data size for AIM, follow these steps:

  1. In Computer Management, navigate to System Tools>Reliability and Performance>Monitoring Tools to open the Performance Monitor tool.

  2. From the toolbar in the right pane, click the “+” button.
    SANmelody perfmonnew Viewing Transfer Performance and Logged Data Size

  3. From the Performance Object pull-down list, select DataCore AIM.

  4. Select a counter(s) from the list.

Logged Data Size ( KB) – This counter keeps track of the amount of data that has been logged in the AIM memory due to the AIM source buffer being full.

TransferRate/sec – This counter keeps track of the transfer rate between the AIM source system and the AIM destination system.

  1. Select an instance(s) from the list.

Total – Displays a summary of the performance data of all volumes.

AIM source volume – Displays the performance of the selected volume.

  1. Click Add.
    SANmelody perfmonaim Viewing Transfer Performance and Logged Data Size

  2. Click Close.




Viewing Transfer Performance and Logged Data Size