

GroupDisable SnapshotGroup


This command is used to disable a specified group of snapshot relationships. Disabling a snapshot relationship stops all Snapshot processes that may occur on the source and destination volumes while the snapshot relationship is enabled.


SnapshotGroup:  A valid snapshot group name.

Return Value:

0:  success.

-1:  failure (see the Comments section below).

Error Codes:

DCSPIT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER:  There is a potential version mismatch between API and driver.

DCSPIT_ERROR_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST:  Either the snapshot relationship was not created, or it does not exist.

DCSPIT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES:  Memory allocation has failed.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER:  hDeviceHandle is an invalid handle.

DCSPIT_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_READY:  The snapshot relationship was in the process of being created. Retry the operation.

DCSPIT_ERROR_DEVICE_BUSY:  Either open handles are still referencing the snapshot relationship, or the snapshot relationship is still enabled.


You can use the GroupGetStatus command to verify the success of this command. To discover why the command may have failed, use the GetLastErrors command.

Use the GroupEnable command to re-enable the snapshot relationships.
