

GroupGetExtendedStatus SnapshotGroup


This command can be used to retrieve the status of the various Snapshot processes for a specified group of snapshot relationships, and determine if the snapshot relationships are currently enabled or disabled. This command also returns the percent difference between the source volume and destination volume and the percent completion of the destination volume, for every snapshot relationship in the group.


SnapshotGroup:  A valid snapshot group name.

Return Value:

0:  success.

-1:  failure (see the Comments section below).

Error Codes:

 DCSPIT_ERROR_PENDING:  The operation is pending.

 DCSPIT_ERROR_DEVICE_BUSY:  A virtual volume involved in this operation is not ready to accept this command. Reissue the command. (If the virtual volume is a DP mirror and you are on the read-only side of the DP mirror, you must re-issue the command on the storage server that contains the read-write side of the DP mirror.)

 DCSPIT_ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED:  The request was aborted.


Status flags are found in DCSPitAPI.h. The status flags are defined as DCSPIT_Status_xxx. Status is a hexbit field. To interpret the status flag, look at the individual bits returned by this command.
