Making Protected Partition-based Disks Available for NMV Pools

If you have partition-based disks (but without drive letter or file system) already managed by SANmelody software and wish to convert them for use in NMV pools, you must remove them from SANmelody protection and delete the partitions. You will lose the data on the disk.

For instructions for upgrading partition-based volumes to NMVs in a virtual volume and conserving the data on the disk, see Replacing a Volume in a Virtual Volume.


  1. On the storage server, select the Storage Server component in the SANmelody software.

  2. In the right pane, right-click on the storage server name, and select ‘Release All Volumes‘. This will ‘ unprotect’ any partitions on any disks in Windows Disk Management that were previously used by SANmelody software. Any volumes being used in virtual volumes or any volumes in use by (mapped to) application servers will not be unprotected.

You will see a message confirming that the release of volumes was successful. Click OK.

  1. In Windows Disk Management, delete the ‘unprotected‘ partitions until there are no more remaining on the disk.
     WARNING: In Windows Server 2008, partitions may be deleted even if managed by SANmelody software. If deleting partitions in Windows Disk Management, heed all warnings and ensure partitions are NOT being  managed by SANmelody software before deleting them!

  2. Ensure the disk is Basic. The disk is now available for use with NMV pools.


Making Protected Partition-based Disks Available for NMV Pools